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Thursday, January 1, 2015


If you don't already know, once you buy pets, you can't sell them or throw them out in the trash can (sadly, I speak from experience; sorry pet lovers.) I love pets, but I bought the wrong one and now I'm stuck with it. Before you buy them, make sure that you absolutely want it. If you buy too many, they might make your game laggy. Unless you put them in the decor area, they are forever yours. (Don't think I'm mean, I'm just trying to help)

Hope I Help KittyPurry2001


  1. You can actually sell your pets! Just place your pets onto the decor area and while it's open, drag your screen towards your front yard and drag that pet onto the other side of your gate. Hope this helps!

  2. You can actually sell your pets! Just place your pets onto the decor area and while it's open, drag your screen towards your front yard and drag that pet onto the other side of your gate. Hope this helps!
